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AI in Business Intelligence & Automated Analytics Machine learning is a subset of AI, which itself is an umbrella term for software that's been trained to make decisions based on a set of rules. Machine learning algorithms are programs that can be made to learn without being explicitly programmed by humans. It s used by banks and lending institutions to determine the likelihood of you paying back what you borrow (and how much interest they should charge). As a result, it is impossible to "opt-out" of having a credit score in this day and age. For example, if someone has never paid off their debt and has no other loans or cards open, then it will be harder for them to qualify for a mortgage or car loan due to a low credit score. Homeowners have the ability to monitor deliveries when they are away from home or even check for vandals while away on vacation. For parents, you can leave your kids with a sitter while keeping an eye on them in real-time. You can save money on home security while also keeping your family safe due to advances in home technology. Some smart apps can help you run your home and other smart devices that make even the simplest task easier. With home assistants cheaper than a week s worth of groceries, it s no surprise that most homes are well on their way to being autonomous. Let s take a look at some of the top smart home technology trends of the decade. While this may seem like something out of a sci-fi movie, this technology is becoming more common than ever. Doctors are able to use a controlling platform in one location to perform procedures on a patient in a different city altogether. A.I. Artist If you have been on social media in recent weeks, chances are your feed is filled with stunning portraits. Thermostats have been rather advanced for a while now, but now they have been taken to a whole new level. Smart thermostats can sense air quality and carbon monoxide, and even help manage humidity levels within the home. There are smart air conditioners and air purifiers that work to keep the air in your home clean and safe. 

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