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What the term actually means depends on who you ask and when you actually pose the question. In general, smart technology will refer to anything that is on the cutting edge that makes work, medicine, or business run more efficiently. Let s take a close look at smart technology and its modern connotations. These days you can use AI security in your small business or even in your personal life. AIs can help protect you from everything from data breaches on the dark web to unwanted intruders in your home. BlockChain Blockchain technology is here to stay. What started out as a way to launch crypto into the world has now become the web3 place to be. Lighting systems can be programmed to work together to keep occupied rooms illuminated and empty rooms dark, all without your interaction. For those with a smart refrigerator, your appliance can scan your groceries and communicate to your Alexa device which items need to be repurchased. Handy Robot Helpers The Roomba has been around for a while but now the market is full of a myriad of automatic cleaning bots. You can make your whole kitchen smart starting from the refrigerator that self regulates and orders groceries on your behalf to helpful ovens that keep you from burning dinner. All of your smart devices can also be tied to your smart assistant for voice control from any part of the house. Of course, no one can forget the helpful little cleaning robots that will tidy your floor while you sleep. IBM alone has reported a 30% increase in prediction accuracy thanks in part to their A.I. Using A.I. to Track Historical Trends It's also better at finding patterns in data that humans can't because it has access to all the information needed for analysis: historical trends and statistics along with real-time data streams from devices around us that collect information about our behavior; plus machine learning algorithms that learn how people interact with each other based on their past interactions. However, there are so many more AI s already in the market. The History of AI The term artificial intelligence was created in 1956, but machines that were able to learn human behaviors were created before then. Most AIs that were created in the 50s focused on problem-solving and performing mathematical computations. 

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