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Smart home technology advancements make reducing usage simple. You can program smart thermostats to turn on or off during certain times of the day or even specific times of the year. Installing smart outlets in the home will also prevent electricity wastage by shutting off TVs and other systems automatically when not in use. However, there are so many more AI s already in the market. The History of AI The term artificial intelligence was created in 1956, but machines that were able to learn human behaviors were created before then. Most AIs that were created in the 50s focused on problem-solving and performing mathematical computations. Innovative Trends in Smart Home Technology The future is no longer limited to sci-fi movies or the fanciful imaginations of novelists. The future is now. Some smart apps can help you run your home and other smart devices that make even the simplest task easier. With home assistants cheaper than a week s worth of groceries, it s no surprise that most homes are well on their way to being autonomous. Meeting Owl Pro With so many people taking zoom calls or work meetings over the internet, it makes sense to have a tool that can make the process more efficient. The Meeting Owl Pro has the ability to efficiently process each voice in a call and separate them for clarity. It comes with a camera, 8 microphones and a speaker. Companies large and small have been creating content for the metaverse for when it eventually becomes a widespread tool. Most creation may be driven by AI currently, but as advanced sensors, analytics, and user input are provided, you can expect great things from brands everywhere. Homomorphic Encryption Gadgets are cool and all, but with so much being put online security is a top concern. Regardless of what space you happen to be in, there are going to be at least a few trends you want to keep your eye on. We have put together a list of top smart tech trends to follow this year. Collaborative Technology The pandemic fundamentally changed the way people work and learn. With forced closures worldwide, companies and schools were forced to find alternatives. 

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