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There are touch-free sinks, soap dispensers, doors, and even bathrooms in more homes across the country than ever before. Even ringing a doorbell is no longer required with motion-sensitive video cameras available for every budget. Interestingly enough, you don t even have to touch your phone or computer to get things done with voice-activated home assistants. Within Body Scan Why settle for a simple scale when you can add a helpful piece of smart technology to your home. This handy scanner will take your weight, provide your body fat percentage, and even give you a neuropathy score. The scanner can tell you where on your body your excess fatty tissue resided and will even give you an idea about your heart health. That means you can operate them from inside your home or the other side of the city. Smart. High-Speed Connections For Home There is no point in having a home outfitted with smart tech unless you have an internet connection to match. Thankfully, mesh Wi-Fi is active and able to handle anything your home can through at it. For those looking to boost security, this allows for better remote monitoring and control of home devices regardless of where you happen to be. Aside from security, homeowners can watch footage of those in the home, manage appliances and other electronics, and even turn lights on and off remotely. Temperature controls and other features can be placed on a timer or even set to trigger when humans are detected within the home. When compared to snail mail, where a letter can take a week or longer, it makes sense to opt for smart technology over the traditional forms. The Security of Smart Technology Security is always a concern on both a professional and personal level. Smart tech has allowed people and companies to safeguard their services, communication, and information more efficiently than with traditional methods alone. Regardless of what space you happen to be in, there are going to be at least a few trends you want to keep your eye on. We have put together a list of top smart tech trends to follow this year. Collaborative Technology The pandemic fundamentally changed the way people work and learn. With forced closures worldwide, companies and schools were forced to find alternatives. 

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