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BlockChain Blockchain technology is here to stay. What started out as a way to launch crypto into the world has now become the web3 place to be. From financial transactions to automated company management and NFTs, blockchain technology is the way of the future. Even medical institutions are switching over to blockchain to keep patient records safe in a society full of data breaches. From access to all of the information in the palm of our hands to virtual worlds where we can play, tech is evolving by leaps and bounds. The tech in our homes is probably the most impressive making our days easier than ever. Kitchen Automation One of the most common complaints from working adults is the sheer amount of time it takes to create a healthy meal. Along with smaller tech, applications and voice-controlled connections also saw a surge in popularity. Word-to-type, voice-activated applications, integrated apps, and more have simplified the home office experience tremendously. High-Tech Home Security With more people spending time at home security has become an even more important issue. Also, computers don t tire and can be trained or instructions to look for specific things that can easily be hidden from the human eye. Using A.I. to Improve Environmental Sustainability The environment has been a hot topic for several generations. However, humans have made little progress in terms of reversing climate change. The Advancement of AI Throughout the 50s, 60s, and 70s, neural networks were the main focus which would allow machines to think on their own. Once these networks were created, the focus shifted to machine learning from 1980 and throughout 2010. During this time frame machines were fed copious amounts of information which led to present-day advancements. Drones then send those images back to government agencies for analysis and possible action against individuals suspected of wrongdoing. This technology isn't just used in authoritarian states or communist countries. The U.S., too, uses drones in surveillance programs all across America and along the borders. 

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